Academic work
Academic courses in visual and multimodal anthropology
Invited teacher at various universities and institutions
Practical clases on film, ethnography, hands-on camera and editing courses
Various academic and non-academic paper and film presentations
Anthropology classes
ethnographic film
visual and media anthropology
anthropology of music
Full courses in Brazil and Romania
Syllabus USP 2018
2018 (August – December) Lecturer: Postgraduate Course: “Visual Anthropology, Politics and Poetics of Audio-Visual Practice” at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Anthropology Department. (together with Prof.Dr. Vitor Gunvald)
2017 (February – June) Lecturer: Undergraduate Course “Visual Anthropology” at Babes-Bolyai University, Anthropology Department, Cluj Napoca, Romania. (together with Prof. Dr. Marius Lazar)
2016 (February – June) Lecturer: Undergraduate Course “Visual Anthropology” at Babes-Bolyai University, Anthropology Department, Cluj Napoca, Romania.(together with Prof. Dr. Marius Lazar)
All the classes were accompanied by practical workshops in ethnographic film.
Multimodal Workshop at the PUC (Catholic University) in Lima, Peru.
2019 Workshop on Ethnographic Films about Music. University of Sao Paulo for the Local musiking project participants.
2018 Multimodal Workshop at the PUC (Catholic University) in Lima, Peru.
2017 Trainer at the “atelierele AltCEVA” 5 day documentary workshop in Fagaras, Romania.
2017 Coordinator of DocT, a four months documentary film workshop with high school students from Fagaras.
2016-2017 Coordinator of “Fagaras Editing Residency”. A six months international editing Residency.
2016 Trainer at the “atelierele AltCEVA” 3 day documentary workshop in Fagaras, Romania.
2016 Organizer of CEVA Street Photography Workshop.
2018 Guest Speaker at the Nation Ethnological Museum in Osaka, Minpaku, Japan as part of CVA committee meting and AnthroScreening event organized by Dr. Itsusi Kawase.
2017 Guest Speaker at the University of Amsterdam, Holland.
2014 Guest Speaker for the Holocaust Week Memorial at the University of Essex, UK.
2014 Guest Speaker at the Rene Cassin Foundation in London, UK.
2014 Guest Speaker at the University of Bremen, Germany.
2013 Guest Speaker at University Babes-Bolyai Cluj Napoca, Romania.
July 2013: Konitsa International Summer School (Greece) – invited teacher.
talking about my our film Mockup Wedding with the editor Adrian Popa at Clulese din Balkani 2017
foto from my talk at the 16th RAI Film Festival and Conference 2019
Recent conference talks
Seminario internacional Experiencia Y Experimentación Antropológica. PUC. Lima, Peru. 30/11/2019.
XIII RAM – Reunião de Antropologia do Mercosul. UFGS, Porto Alegre. 22/07/2019.
IX Encontro da Associação Brasileira de Etnomusicologia / XII Encontro de Educação Musical da Unicamp, Unicamp, Campinas, SP. 01/05/2019.
16th RAI Film Festival 2019 Conference, 27-30 March 2019. Bristol UK.
18th World Congress of the IUAES, University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, July 2018
SIPA (Seminário Imagem, Pesquisa e Antropologia II – Unicamp 10-12 Abril 2018)
NAFA 2015 Conference: Visual Anthropology and European Cultural Heritage, Warsaw 21-26 09.
Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, International Conference 26th and 28th September 2013 at “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania.
17th World Congress of the IUAES, University of Manchester UK 5th – August 10th, 2013.
Participatory – What does it mean? Participatory cinema – Participatory video under consideration. Symposium 2012. May 12th to May 15th at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen.
Second International Visual Methods conference. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK. 13-15 September 2011.
Conference on Holidays, Ritual, Festival, Celebration and Public Display, at the Sorbonne in Paris, France. April 1-2, 2011